DSG Outerwear Blog
Read articles, recipes, tips and tricks, stories, and industry information from your favorite women's outerwear brand!

How to Stay Quiet and Comfortable in a Tree Stand or Ground Blind
A successful hunt begins with preparation, and staying comfortable and quiet in a tree stand or ground blind is critical to your success. The less you move and the quieter you...

Breaking Barriers: Building Confidence for Women in Outdoor Pursuits
Confidence in outdoor pursuits isn’t built overnight, but with preparation, determination, and the right mindset, every woman can feel empowered to tackle the wild with courage.

Mastering the Art of Calling Bucks: Methods, Timing, and Tips
Calling deer effectively is about timing, realism, and understanding deer behavior. Whether you’re grunting, bleating, rattling, or snort-wheezing, each method has its place during hunting season.

Transitioning from Open Water to Ice Fishing: Essential Maintenance and Storage Tips
Transitioning from open water to ice fishing doesn’t have to be daunting. With these maintenance and storage tips, you can extend the life of your gear and ensure everything is...

Get Your Boots on the Ground: The Importance of Scouting and Knowing the Land you Hunt
Scouting plays a crucial part for preparing for your hunt and understanding the deer behavior and population in your area.

5 Fall Scouting Tips
Scouting is all about preparation, and the more effort you put into understanding the game and terrain, the better your chances for success this hunting season.

Top 5 Tips for Fall Crappie Fishing
Fall is an exciting and rewarding time for crappie fishing, offering both seasoned and novice anglers the chance to catch some impressive fish. By putting in the groundwork now—conducting thorough...

Safety Tips for Women Hunters: Stay Safe and Enjoy the Outdoors with DSG Outerwear
Hunting is an empowering and exhilarating experience, but it requires preparation and vigilance. By following these safety tips and gearing up with DSG Outerwear, you can stay comfortable, safe, and...